Preserving Florida Family Farms and Rural Land When Selling

Preserving rural land and family farms is crucial for Florida’s economy and culture, especially for selling land in Florida. It’s vital to protect these assets as much of Florida’s land is used for urban purposes.

Florida laws protect rural land and family farms, including during land sales. Florida’s land selling laws prioritize sustainable development that protects agriculture and wildlife while benefiting land sellers and safeguarding resources for future generations.

Selling land in Florida is an attractive option for farmers and ranchers due to rising land values. Converting rural lands in Florida has a negative impact on food security, rural landscapes, and farmers’ livelihoods.

Protecting Family Farms and Rural Lands while Selling Land in Florida: Laws and Programs

  1. Rural Land Stewardship Program (RLS)
    This program helps to preserve rural lands by encouraging landowners to develop their properties in a way that is consistent with agricultural and conservation objectives. This program also provides incentives for landowners who agree to conserve their land for a certain period of time.
  2. Conservation Easements
    Conservation easements refer to legal agreements between landowners and government agencies or non-profit organizations that restrict development on the land to protect its natural resources, such as waterways, wildlife habitat, and scenic views. Florida laws mandate that land brokers provide potential buyers with comprehensive information regarding any conservation easements that apply to a property, as such easements can significantly affect its value and usage. These laws enable landowners to preserve their properties for future generations while retaining ownership.
  3. Greenbelt Law
    This law provides property tax incentives for landowners who use their land for agricultural purposes. This helps to reduce the financial burden on family farms and encourages them to continue operating.
  4. Agricultural Classification
    The Agricultural classification refers to the designation of land for agricultural use by the state government. In Florida, agricultural classification offers benefits like reduced property taxes for landowners, and land brokers must inform potential buyers of these classifications. This information helps buyers understand the land’s potential uses and associated tax implications. It also ensures that landowners receive the benefits and protections that come with agricultural classification.
  5. Florida Forever
    This program is a state land acquisition program that provides funding for the acquisition and conservation of environmentally sensitive lands, including farmland.
  6. Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP)
    This program provides funding for the purchase of conservation easements on family farms and ranches, with the goal of preserving the land for agricultural use and protecting it from development.


Overall, Preserving Florida’s rural land and family farms is crucial for maintaining a strong economy. It is essential to engage landowners, policymakers, and the public in a collaborative effort. This can also involve promoting sustainable agriculture, and providing incentives for land conservation. The involvement of Florida land brokers can help facilitate the preservation of rural land and family farms by prioritizing community and environmental concerns over short-term profits.

A service provided by Florida ROI Commercial Property Brokerage, Inc., – A FL Lic Real Estate Corp.


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